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Doctor Ami AMIGA Diagnostic Software from Free Spirit Software. amiga_doctor_ami_retro

tweet_button Doctor Ami AMIGA Diagnostic Software from Free Spirit Software. - GameDude Computers
Doctor Ami AMIGA Diagnostic Software from Free Spirit Software.

Doctor AMI is a memory and hard drive diagnostic program that performs low level test on your Amiga system using a full intuition interface and simple controls display.
The memory diagnostic program scans the system for all memory including on-boar, expansion and accelerated memory.
Regions can then be selected to test Read/Write options and an error list of bad memory locations displayed.

The program also generates an error file that can be used with the startup sequence to map out bad locations. The harddrive diagnostic program scans each sector or a specific region of your harddrive and displays full error code (ie. Bad Header, read error etc) of errors found.
The program allows the user to map out bad sectors and to patch any file using the bad sector. Sectors with errors are removed from the block availability map so that they will not be accessed.
doctor_ami3 Doctor Ami AMIGA Diagnostic Software from Free Spirit Software. - GameDude Computers doctor_ami2 Doctor Ami AMIGA Diagnostic Software from Free Spirit Software. - GameDude Computers

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Important Information

Prices and specifications are subject to change.
Images are for illustration purposes and may be different to final product.

Please check the manufacturer's website for up to date specifications